Personal Training

Once a week fitness for strength, weight loss, and mobility.


Welcome to Rock Bottoms! We are a Super Slow personal training gym near downtown Asheville.

Being a personal training client requires NO membership fees and No orientation fees PLUS you can pay for session packages or pay-as-you-go.

There are no year long contracts that keep charging your credit card, even if you stop coming.

Just like most personal trainers in Asheville, our one-on-one training sessions are designed to help you reach or maintain a healthy weight, improve your strength, well-being and overall health.

But we do it differently.

With Rock Bottoms, there are no more missed workouts, intimidating situations or waiting for equipment to be free.

Our studio is set up for a dedicated one-on-one atmosphere to help you reach the results you're looking for without worrying about others in the room judging your performance.

During the 30 minute private workout session, you'll be motivated, encouraged, and supported by our training staff.

But there is more to Rock Bottoms training style.


Personal Training Style at Rock Bottoms

In  a regular gym setting, personal trainers can sometimes be intimidating or push you well beyond what you are used to.

While we do push you to get that one last rep, we understand your limits and work just above your comfort zone so you'll still see the results of your hard work.

Each of our personal trainers works with regular clients daily.

Once you arrive, the trainer will set up your equipment and you'll be ready to go.

We like to make sure that the time you spend in the gym is time well spent getting the results you are looking for.

Because we follow a weight training protocol called Super Slow, our fitness equipment is highly specialized.

Instead of being one size fits all equipment, ours has multiple adjustment points that are dialed in to your exact specifications. This way we can make sure you are working the prescribed target areas during the personal training session.

The Super Slow Protocol is very unique.

Instead of trying to lift heavy weight a few times, you lift light weight "super slowly".

The benefits of this training method are amazing.

  1. For older people, this has been proven to increase bone density and strength.
  2. In many cases Super Slow training has been shown to reduce or reverse bone loss.
  3. Lifting lighter weight slowly is highly effective at increasing muscle density and strength.
  4. Increased energy and stamina.
  5. Increased range of motion.
  6. A decrease in body fat.
  7. An overall reduction in daily aches and pains.

And our favorite thing about this type of personal training is you will barely break a sweat during the training session once a week!

Personal Training and Osteopenia / Osteoporosis

For women, the fountain of youth is Estrogen. When Menopause hits, this fountain starts to dry up. For bones this can be bad news.

You may not know this but...

Estrogen is the protector of your bones. It keeps them strong and dense. As your Estrogen levels decrease, bone density and strength can follow suit.

For many people this leads to slowing down, not taking chances, and a lot of TV watching, but for others, people like you, it's an opportunity to change.

Regular exercise helps to slow or even reverse bone density loss (Osteopenia). If it isn't addressed, Osteopenia can develop into Osteoporosis and we all know that isn't a good word to put beside your name.

With personal training, specifically Super Slow training, Osteopenia and Osteoporosis can be avoided altogether!

The method of lifting and lowering light weight "super slowly" actually makes bones stronger by increasing bone density. Because of this slow movement, women with Osteopenia and early Osteoporosis can do it also.

According to an article about weight training on WebMD, "Women who participated in a weight training program for one year saw significant increases in their bone density in the spine and hips".

Training Gym Locations
Google Reviews


"If you are a busy person and looking for a personal trainer or gym in Asheville where you don't feel like you are taking on more than you can chew - Rock Bottoms!"


"I have worked with Abby for two years and am so much stronger for it. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and working this program has been very helpful!"


"The facility is amazing and I have worked with the other trainers at the facility as well. Everyone is very professional and safety is paramount."


"Each session is 30 minutes and easily fits into my schedule. Whatever your fitness goals, I confidently give Rock Bottoms the highest possible rating!"

120 Coxe Ave Suite 2C Asheville, NC 28801

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